Monika Ruiz Wagner
Monika Ruiz Wagner
After I discovered DanaCards, I looked through my pictures because I like taking pictures. The idea of making a postcard out of my pictures and thereby supporting an aid project excited me. I like writing postcards and so I thought it would be great to design some myself. I always try to help people as much as I can.
I am a naturopath (psychotherapy) myself and have a degree in psychology.
Through photography, I have become more and more mindful of my environment and I try to pass this on. I find portraits of animals (and people, but I am not allowed to show them here) the most interesting. Every animal and every person has something very special that I would like to portray. The wonder of nature, the beauty and sometimes the filigree is always a popular theme for me. I also want to make people more aware of nature and mindfulness in general.
I hope my pictures can express this.